Will you believe it if I say that there is a picture on the Internet which can delete any Instagram account permanently if one uses it as his profile picture?
Well, YES. There is a bizarre one with such an unknown mysterious capability.
The picture we are talking about is of a Black Haired girl with Mickey Mouse nose along with big eyebrows. Her eyes are wide open with a big smile on the face. There is a wooden background where She seems happy but that’s the mysterious part. It quite looks likes any old cosplay picture with low-quality make-up. Nothing seems questionable or unusual, that’s why NO one can understand its occultism in a single glare.
Here, we are showing you that picture (with a warning not to use it) which is the stimulating topic on the internet world from few days –

I encountered it first on a Facebook group where a guy had shared this fact and his experience. Later, other people challenged their friends for fun to change their profile pic and it took Instagram less than 5 minutes to delete all those accounts. A lot of people who get impacted by it voluntarily or mischievously, are sharing their experience. They all with their old memorable picture and plenty of followers are now regretting it.
There isn’t any satisfactory reason why this is happening. It neither contains any Nudity nor any offensive stuff. It’s a guess that it may have relation to the Dark Web therefore causing such a glitch.
Most logical Explanation:
A audience claimed that this picture is part of with dangerous BLUE WHALE game. Obviously, everyone knows about that game where user gets ill Missions which finally leads to suicide. He explained that they provide a task and where this same picture appears in game. When a user sets it as the picture then the algorithm of Insta is inspecting it as a forbidden or harmful post. Blue Whale is forbidden all over the world but no one thought that in future it will affect again in indirect way.
The aim of this blog is to share facts and information. Do not try to use this or prank others. Once deleted, You can never recover it. If you have any possible theory or explanation about this dangerous pic then feel free to comment down.