In this article, we are going to tell you “How To Grow A Meme Page On Instagram”. These days, Instagram has become one of the most common platform for sharing memes. Thus in order to help beginners to boost up their efforts, we decided to share our experience. Though we all know that the content is the king. But along with quality content, you need to know some tips and tricks in this rapid evolving tech world. So without wasting much time lets get started, we have divided this task in five phases which are as follows…
Phase 1 : 0-500 Followers
This phase is very important for growing meme page on instagram because generally people don’t follow meme pages with low number of followers. And the most common mistake that people do on instagram in beginning is that in order to increase their followers, they start following unknown accounts in bulk to get followed back. So, let me tell you that its a blunder because due to this, instagram bans some features.
So we suggest you to keep this in mind and avoid doing this in beginning.Now, all you have to do is to take a little help from your friends, relatives and followers on other social platforms. Request them to follow you and request them to say their friends too.In this way, your meme page on instagram will grow a little. You can gain up to 500 followers using this trick without any loss.
If in case you fail to reach or cross 500 followers, no need to worry, you can cover it in 2nd phase.
Phase 2 : 500-1000 Followers
On this phase your page will be grown enough but not that much that people start following you in large amount.But now you can try follow for follow trick. but make sure that you follow only small meme pages with number of followers near about yours or up to 2K followers. And as a result you will get follow back from them. And if in case you don’t get follow back from any account or page, contact them.And if then also you don’t get follow back, simply unfollow them. Keep this process continue till you gain up to 1000 followers on your instagram meme page.
Phase 3 : 1K-2K Followers
After reaching 1K (1000) followers, it dosen’t mean that your page will start growing automatically. You will have to still work hard. Keep following other accounts. And now its the time to boost your follow rate. And for that we suggest you to organize various types of contests such as Meme Battle or DP Battle on your instagram meme page’s story. So its benefit will be that your participants will help you indirectly. To grow your meme page on instagram by inviting their friends to vote them.
Most importantly, switch your account to private while organizing such contests. Keep doing this until you get up to 2K followers. And we suggest you to organize such contests monthly or weekly, not on daily basis. As it will be hard for you to manage it. And day by day people will loose their interest over it.
Phase 4 : 2K – 5K Followers
After getting 2K followers, your instagram meme page will be grown enough.Now you will have to check whether your instagram meme pages is getting follows from private accounts or not. It ensures that now your page is growing organically. But as we already mentioned that “content is the king”, so you will have to take care of it.
Also you will have to start engaging content on your meme page story. So that your page gets attention and day by day the rate of growth of your page will become 2x i.e., double.
We also suggest you to mostly post videos, so that people share it. And obviously, it will help you to gain more followers. In this way, you will get up to 5000 followers on your instagram meme page.
Phase 5 : 5K+ Followers on Instagram Meme Page
At this phase, growing page becomes more easy. And at this moment you will have enough experience. And on this basis, you can decide what type of content is demanding and who will be your target audience. Now its the time when you will have to just post memes time to time and your page will start growing automatically.
Some Important Points – Instagram Meme Page
- In the journey of gaining followers from 0 to 5000+ , never follow other accounts in large number in a single day. Else it will be not good for your page. As there are chances of getting restrictions from instagram.
- Always use relates hashtags (#) according to content you post.For example, if you have posted any meme related to school life, then use hashtags such as #School, #SchoolMemes, #SchoolLife, #SchoolLifeMemes, etc.
And at last I wish that you implement our tips and tricks while growing your instagram meme page. Our best wishes are with you.If your Computer, Laptop or Mac goes down, check out services offered by Computer Repairs Brisbane & U Break We Fix. And as you know, if you need any meme template for creating memes, we are here for that ! Also check latest smartphone OnePlus Nord Price in India.
Thank You !
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